It's important to remember that your work area (office, clinics, restaurant) will always be an area of possible dust accumulation, bacteria and other micro-organisms.
It's already proven that if your work area does not have a correct cleaning routine, you're at risk during the whole time you're there.
There are a few things you should know and do that could help you to have a safer place for your customers, employees and yourself.
I'll show you some of it, because I know, after 8 years of experience doing business in this field, how you can prevent yourself of doing small mistakes that will cost you a lot.
I'm the owner of a specialized commerical cleaning company called Boston Quality Cleaning Services and you can be assured that I've seen almost every type of office, restaurant and business and what they do to maintain their work areas in good shape.
You probably tried everything already, but there is nothing more secure than having a good qualified company to do these types of service for you. Why? Because we are specialists, and we do clean places in a way that you will find great. We understand that you have a business to run, clients to take care of and a family at home waiting for you to have dinner.
So why will you spend time doing something that an office cleaning service company (Boston Quality Cleaning Services) could do for you and make your professional life a lot more easyer?
Have at the entrance of your office a clean mat with a "welcome" message that gives an idea to your client that he (or she) will get in a clean environment, so, his (hers) shoes should be cleaned (at the mat) before he/she enters (be always gentle with the messages).
In an appropriate visible area place a bottle of hand sanitizer. Also have one at every room of your office.
Restrooms have to be cleaned every day, place everything you can, at hand, so your client will feel comfortable to use and be welcome to use any personal hygienic product like dental floss, tooth paste, hand sanitizer, absorbents, towel papers, and everything else you think your client would be glad to have at hand in his own bathroom at home.
Use disposable coffee cups, silver wears, water bottles, napkins, everything you can offer your clients that they'll feel comfortable to use it.
Place a covered garbage can at a visible corner, the ones that you can open by step on the bottom paddle.
Above all, CLEAN THE CLUTTER OF YOUR PLACE, specially desks. you're client understands like this: "If these person who will assist me and I'll pay for his business is clean and organized with his own place...well, he (or she) will definitely be the same doing business with me!"
Definitely place your comments and suggestions for new subjects that you think will be interesting to post in our Office Cleaning Blog.