Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Construction Sites Cleaning Boston

"Everything Has Been Really Very Great"

"Jean and Marli have been cleaning and performing services in my building for 5 years and everything has been really very great.

They show up always the same time, we do twice a week at our building. Eeverything is always great when we come in the next morning.

The best thing about Jean and Marli is that I can always call them. If a have a question, if I have a special project, I have their number and they always pick up the phone and it never goes to voice mail. And that’s really nice with companies because I know that I’m talking to the owners so that’s really great!

The other great thing is that we do special project sometimes and I ask Jean I ask Marli: What do you think about waxing the floors? What about scrubbing the tile? And they will say: yes we can do that, it is this much money and it is always a great price. Rather than bringing somoby else that I don’t know, so I always feel that Jean and Marli have been a partner with me and making sure that my building is great for my employees. I’m really looking forward to continue my work with them."

Mr. Tom Sivak
Amano McGann, Inc.
Senior Technology Executive

Construction Sites Cleaning Boston

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